Izumo Yumura Onsen 出雲湯村温泉 Yunouekan 湯乃上館 Seiransou 清嵐荘

A travel tour of Shimane 島根 Japan would not be complete without a visit to one of the most historically famous Onsen / Hot springs 温泉 in the region.

Izumo Yumura Onsen 出雲湯村温泉 is located in Kisuki Town, Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture 島根県 雲南市 木次町. It's history dates back hundreds of years where it was mentioned in historical Japanese literature.

The two main Onsen / Hot spring 温泉 establishments are Seiransou 清嵐荘 and Yunouekan 湯乃上館.
On the side of the river closest to the road is Seiransou 清嵐荘, a fine establishment featuring an outdoor bath with a view over the river and into the vast mountain scenery.

On the other side of the river is Yunouekan 湯乃上館, a delightful, natural Onsen 温泉 establishment.  There are no built in showers, instead there are troughs where the hot spring water pours out naturally and you bathe by scooping the pure, clean spring water with pails.  The outdoor bath (Rotenburo) 露天風呂 is directly over the river, creating an amazing view and a tranquil atmosphere like no other Onsen 温泉.  The sound of the river flowing while you enjoy the Onsen 温泉 is very soothing.

There is a pleasant foot bath (ashi-yu) 足湯 that also faces the river, and a large private bath (Kazokuburo) 家族風呂 for couples or families to reserve. 

The Japanese Inn (Ryokan) 旅館 at Yunouekan 湯乃上館 specializes in wild boar hot pots during winter months.  A specialty of the region.

The quality and authenticity of this Onsen 温泉 is so well-renowned that many visitors from Matsue 松江 and out of the prefecture come to visit this little Onsen 温泉 in the mountains.

Izumo Yumura Onsen 出雲湯村温泉 also has a secret.  There is a pocket of spring water next to the river surrounded by rocks forming a free public Onsen 温泉.  This free Onsen 温泉 is visited by those who know about it usually after dark.  In the summer it is also possible to swim in the river.

Price: Adults 300yen

Seiransou 清嵐荘 and Yunouekan 湯乃上館
Price: Adults 300yen


Outdoor bath (Rotenburo) 露天風呂: YES
Foot bath (Ashi-yu) 足湯: YES
Private bath (Kazokuburo) 家族風呂: YES



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